Advent of Code Days 1-5

Advent of Code 2020 Map

Once again, this year I decided to challenge myself to work on my python and complete The Advent of Code. My goal was to stick to each and every day, and for the most part, I was able to stick with that. Here is Days 1-5.


Ansible Logo

Over the last few months, I’ve begun to work with Ansible and have really begun to love it. It is designed to make configuration management for a single system or even an entire enterprise super easy to take care of.

Money and Waves

View of the Beach

After 7 months of rarely leaving the house my family headed to the Outer Banks. As much as I would love to continue to rub that in, that’s not why I am writing today. I figured I would pass along a few more lessons learned with this whole retirement thing.

Birth of the Internet

The IMP Design Team

This week marked an anniversary that most may not have observed. On Oct 1, 1969, a small team of engineers installed IMP #2 at the Stanford Research Center and the Internet was born.

A little Update

Troy From Secure Enterprise Engineering

A short update. I have officially been out of the Army for 16 days now and a lot has happened. I started my terminal leave back in mid-May, at the height of the Covid crisis. To say it wasn’t how I had planned to have my transition would be the understatement of the world.

Retiring in a Rona World

DD214 Blanket

Greetings from Fort Livingroom. I am now 35 days into my terminal leave (well 20 days PTDY and 15 days leave). I have decided to forego the “Freedom Beard” for right now (my wife threatened me with divorce) but my hair is rapidly approaching hippy level.

Making Use of Free Time

Advent of Code

So since this whole COVID-19 thing started, I’ve had a lot of free time on my hands. Yes, I’ve suddenly become a teacher (I’m taking care of my oldest, while Liz takes care of our youngest) but I am only working at the office one week out of every three. That gives me a lot of time. I decided among other things to work on my Python (a lot). So I went back to the 2015 Advent of Code and just started going away. So here are the first five days of the 2015 Advent of Code.