Welcome to the Site

Hey everyone and thanks for visiting Signal Chief.com  My name is Troy Ward.  I am a Chief Warrant Officer 3 in the US Army with 15+ years of experience in telecommunications.  Some of my positions within the Army include:

  • Training Developer at the Regimental Noncommissioned Officer Academy for the 25N (JNN Operator/Maintainer) BNCOC course from 2005-2007
  • Brigade Combat Team Network Technician for 2/1 ID from 2007-2010 including a deployment to Iraq.
  • Senior NETOPS Observer, Coach/Trainer (OC/T) at the National Training Center (NTC) from 2012-present

Additionally, I have completed my CCNA (Although I let the stupid thing expire and need to get it current again) and have done a fair bit of side work in the civilian market.

So what is Signal Chief.Com?  Basically this serves as my place on the interweb to give out my little tidbits of knowledge to new signal warrant officers and anyone else who may be interested.  This is based primarily on my experiences as a network technician as well as my time as an OC/T where I have the opportunity to see 10 different Brigade Combat Teams come through and fight a two week war each year.  While I have by no means seen it all, I like to think that I have defiantly seen a lot. One thing of note, anything and everything written on this site are strictly my opinions (or whever wrote the post) and are NOT those of the National Training Center or the US Army.

I welcome your comments, suggestions, and ideas.  If you are interested in contributing some of your own knowledge to the site, I also most definitely welcome that as well.  Ultimately my goal is to help young net techs and their Soldiers avoid some of the hard lessons that I (and many others) have had to learn over the years.